Blood_Factory was actually a Half-Life Deathmatch map, but at that time nobody played HL no more. That's why I made a second version for Counter-strike. I actually think it's a crap cs-map. There's no CS goal and it doesnt even look like a cs-map. The Counter-Terrorists start at the upper part of the map which looks like the lambda lab a lot. There are two ways to go, either through a vent or some other way down. The terrorists start in the basement at a acid lake and have two ways to go both through ladders. The gameplay is pretty much deathmatch, but a lot balanced. The grafics are too simple an unrealistic for a counter-strike map - r_speeds are low. I dont know why, but this map has been a large success. Lots of guys I didnt know played it almost everyday at pleasure dome later. Dont ask me - I think I shouldnt have converted it for cs.. but check it out nevertheless, if so many people like it then it might be lots of fun somehow ^_^ main points of the map: - HLDM map without CS gameplay - balanced but mostly deathmatch - 2-6 players recommended - there is a laser cannon in the main area hints: - push the button at the acid late and the bridge above it will collapse - push the button at the laser cannon and it will be activated - the laser is 100% deadly | |